2018-03-27T08:11:50+00:00March 22nd, 2015|Tags: , , , |

The Web browser was relatively easy to find, thanks to guys running long-forgotten FTP sites in the dusty corners of the Internet. MacWeb 2.0 was both old enough to run on my Plus and new enough to render HTML and speak HTTP. Sort of. But we’ll get to that in a minute.

The core problem with the NSA

2015-03-10T23:46:16+00:00March 10th, 2015|Tags: , , , |

“By quietly exploiting these flaws rather than notifying Apple, the U.S. government leaves Apple’s customers vulnerable to other sophisticated governments.” – Christopher Soghoian

This is the kind of schizophrenic policy that happens when you have an agency like the NSA operating with an offensive mindset instead of a defensive one. Now, imagine how strong the internet would be if the NSA was out there contributing to our digital defense by helping technology companies strengthen their security operations?

iSpy: The CIA Campaign to Steal Apple’s Secrets

2015-03-10T22:33:32+00:00March 10th, 2015|Tags: , , , , |

iSpy: The CIA Campaign to Steal Apple’s Secrets

Permission to Touch

2014-09-11T18:39:52+00:00September 11th, 2014|Tags: , , , , , |

Permission to Touch

“If it’s the pinnacle of capitalism, we should be worried.”

2012-01-23T01:49:01+00:00January 23rd, 2012|Tags: , , |

Apple executives say that going overseas, at this point, is their only option. One former executive described how the company relied upon a Chinese factory to revamp iPhone manufacturing just weeks before the device was due on shelves. Apple had redesigned the iPhone’s screen at the last minute, forcing an assembly line overhaul. New screens began arriving at the plant near midnight.

A foreman immediately roused 8,000 workers inside the company’s dormitories, according to the executive. Each employee was given a biscuit and a cup of tea, guided to a workstation and within half an hour started a 12-hour shift fitting glass screens into beveled frames. Within 96 hours, the plant was producing over 10,000 iPhones a day.

– Jared Bernstein

2018-03-27T09:51:47+00:00September 9th, 2011|Tags: , , , , |


FCP X: Didn’t We Ask For This? by Jeremy Garchow

CTG: I want to commend Jeremy Garchow for this excellent piece on FCP X. A lot of people are torching him for it in the comments section, yet most of them don’t use any specifics on why they believe the program isn’t what we (“editors”) asked for. Good work Jeremy, you make a lot of great points and the article really delves into the new functions of FCP X. It’s absolutely worth a read fellow Tumblr’s. I know FCP X has been polarizing, but it’s time to stop kicking and screaming and start trying to wrap our heads around the software.

(above article link via: creativecow.net)

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