The core problem with the NSA

2015-03-10T23:46:16+00:00March 10th, 2015|Tags: , , , |

“By quietly exploiting these flaws rather than notifying Apple, the U.S. government leaves Apple’s customers vulnerable to other sophisticated governments.” – Christopher Soghoian

This is the kind of schizophrenic policy that happens when you have an agency like the NSA operating with an offensive mindset instead of a defensive one. Now, imagine how strong the internet would be if the NSA was out there contributing to our digital defense by helping technology companies strengthen their security operations?

2014-08-13T19:06:36+00:00August 13th, 2014|Tags: , , , |

Some of the revelations attributed to Snowden may not in fact have come from him but from another leaker spilling secrets under Snowden’s name. Snowden himself adamantly refuses to address this possibility on the record. But independent of my visit to Snowden, I was given unrestricted access to his cache of documents in various locations. And going through this archive using a sophisticated digital search tool, I could not find some of the documents that have made their way into public view, leading me to conclude that there must be a second leaker somewhere. I’m not alone in reaching that conclusion. Both Greenwald and security expert Bruce Schneier—who have had extensive access to the cache—have publicly stated that they believe another whistle-blower is releasing secret documents to the media.

I’ve heard this, but wasn’t aware that they both feel that this »

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