2018-03-27T09:02:47+00:00November 1st, 2013|Tags: , , |

I still can’t put my finger on what is exactly about his music I like so much, but I am becoming a huge Frank Ocean fan.

Information you do not need to know

2012-03-29T17:07:26+00:00March 29th, 2012|Tags: , , |

An email I received this morning from a source who will remain anonymous*

So last night, i was getting aggravated because I couldn’t find that awesome Zhanna song that starts with the rain sounds on soul seek.  But I did find a person who seemed to have every Bravo album ever recorded, and i downloaded their earliest 3 albums.  Problem is, Zhanna seem to have only been on the first record.  But youtube had taught me that she must have recorded a bunch of stuff on her own, so i set myself to searching through this soulseek person’s files, looking for a folder with Zhanna’s solo stuff.  Nothing with her name on it that was in roman characters, so I started looking for alternate transliterations.  Bingo- found a folder labelled Agusarawa, and lo an behold, the last thing i did before I went to »

2018-03-27T09:44:27+00:00February 14th, 2012|Tags: , , , |


Merkel and the Merkelette – Serious About Love

If there’s one thing that warms my heart more consistently than that faulty microwave I used to have, it’s the unending procession of holiday EPs released by The Merkelettes. Here is a fresh Valentine’s Day one.

This EP is a real gem. The merkelettes walk the line between reverence and tom foolery here, which I find to be the appropriate tone for today.

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