The Robots Are Winning

2015-05-15T06:45:43+00:00May 15th, 2015|Tags: , , , |

You have to wonder what Her says about the present moment—when so many of us are, indeed, “in love” with our devices, unable to put down our iPhones during dinner, glued to screens of all sizes, endlessly distracted by electronic pings and buzzers—that in the latest incarnation of the robot myth, it’s the people who seem blandly interchangeable and the machines who have all the personality.

What Using Emoji Says About Your Sex Life

2015-02-18T18:06:47+00:00February 18th, 2015|Tags: , |

What Using Emoji Says About Your Sex Life

2018-03-27T08:41:55+00:00July 1st, 2014|Tags: , , , |


“App: The Human Story” by Story & Pixel

My friend Jake told me a year ago he wanted to make a documentary exploring the profound impact the new notion of “app” has had on our culture. I got the shivers when he told me the idea.

Now, watching the trailer for what he and his co-director Jed have shot so far, I get the shivers again. This one’s going to be good. If you want to see more, consider supporting the Kickstarter. Jake and Jed are good people making a good thing.

This looks fantastic.

2014-02-23T04:51:03+00:00February 23rd, 2014|Tags: , , |

Cheese says he is mainly interested in the way people do things online. “Our myths that we have don’t necessarily reflect the things that we do, so I want to create new myths,” he says.

The GIF, he continues, is a 30-year-old file format, which is woefully inefficient and yet despite all the innovation in technology, is used to tell stories all over the internet today. When he looked it up on a Wikipedia, all that was there was was a description of what it was and where it came from, but a disappointing lack of insight into its cultural significance. “I don’t think it’s the facts that are important,” he continues. The GIF has a story of its own — a fairytale, in fact — but it is a story based on emotion, not fact.”

2012-08-07T21:06:04+00:00August 7th, 2012|Tags: , , |

I think Warhol’s films are the last thing that will be discovered and will be even as big as his other art. That’s still to come, when people finally have in their homes a way to display video art seamlessly, like they would a painting. The Warhol films did that style of video art first, and they’ll be there forever.

It’s not important to scare people. I want to surprise way more than to scare. Scary would be, like, me in skinny jeans. A 65-year-old man who’s angry is a loser. A 20-year-old angry man is a sexy leader. Nothing makes me angry anymore.

John Waters in The Wall Street Journal (via bbook)

65 years old and still as smart as ever about art and culture. <3 John Waters

Information you do not need to know

2012-03-29T17:07:26+00:00March 29th, 2012|Tags: , , |

An email I received this morning from a source who will remain anonymous*

So last night, i was getting aggravated because I couldn’t find that awesome Zhanna song that starts with the rain sounds on soul seek.  But I did find a person who seemed to have every Bravo album ever recorded, and i downloaded their earliest 3 albums.  Problem is, Zhanna seem to have only been on the first record.  But youtube had taught me that she must have recorded a bunch of stuff on her own, so i set myself to searching through this soulseek person’s files, looking for a folder with Zhanna’s solo stuff.  Nothing with her name on it that was in roman characters, so I started looking for alternate transliterations.  Bingo- found a folder labelled Agusarawa, and lo an behold, the last thing i did before I went to »

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