2018-03-27T08:08:25+00:00May 8th, 2015|Tags: , , |


This Is Your Brain On Tetris

Are there brainy benefits to being a blockhead? Tetris is one of the most classic, timeless, and addictive video games ever created, a true masterpiece of 8-bit entertainment. 

In this video from BrainCraft, you’ll learn about some interesting effects that Tetris has on the brain, everything from cognitive efficiency to PTSD therapy. 

And to take a fascinating deep dive into the game design behind Tetris and the mathematics of why it’s so unbeatable (***shakes fist at those pesky Z-shaped pieces***), be sure to check out this video from our friend Jamin at PBS Game/Show:

Relevant to my interests.

2018-03-27T08:34:04+00:00August 15th, 2014|Tags: , , |

This would be infuriating to play, but also I want all of these as pillows for my couch. Also really surprised that something like this never made it into Little Big Planet.

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