2018-03-27T08:46:04+00:00April 14th, 2014|Tags: , , |


One of my favorite GIFs of one of my favorite NASA visualizations to preview Monday’s It’s Okay To Be Smart and get you excited and all that jazz. Think you can guess what tomorrow’s vid is about?

Blue = sea salt
Green = organics
Red = dust
White = sulfates

Check out the full NASA video below, featuring simulated global “stuff in the air” over a two year period on Earth. Ain’t Earth beautiful? (Even if, as in this case, it’s a 3 million processor-hour computer animation)

I could look at this all day.

2018-03-27T09:02:50+00:00October 28th, 2013|Tags: , , , |


Turn your smartphone into a digital microscope for around $10: 

This DIY conversion stand is more than capable of functioning in an actual laboratory setting. With magnification levels as high as 175x, plant cells and their nuclei are easily observed! In addition to allowing the observation of cells, this setup also produces stunning macro photography.

We’re putting this on our must-build list. Related watching: more macro-view videos or Build Your Own Lego Microscope.

Thanks, @dontcallmedarth.

Hell yes, this is amazing.

2018-03-27T09:07:43+00:00July 9th, 2013|Tags: , , |


feynman on computer heuristics, human/machine thinking, having fun.

Richard Feynman, at the age of 67 here in the year 1985, looks like he could have just walked out of uniqlo. This is a must watch later video.

2018-03-27T09:15:43+00:00March 31st, 2013|Tags: , |


The FLoating Instrument Platform (FLIP) is a naval research station designed in 1962. It is towed horizontally to open water then flips vertically to provide a stable platform mostly immune to wave action.

The tilting is actioned by directing water into ballast tanks. The position is reversed by sending compressed air in the tanks. Because the bulkhead becomes the deck, FLIP has rooms with doors mounted on the floor, portholes in the ceiling, and sinks and toilets mounted for both configurations.

Developed during the cold war, it continues to provide a uniquely stable platform for research missions that include ocean acoustics, marine mammal studies, geophysics, meteorology, physical oceanography, and laser propagation experiments.

Read more here and here.

This is incredible.

2013-02-14T22:35:07+00:00February 14th, 2013|Tags: , , , |

If you call physics an assumption then yes, I’m working under that assumption.

A Biomechanics expert in the civil case I was just a juror on.

2012-12-11T19:22:39+00:00December 11th, 2012|Tags: , |

It will take many years to reach the computational power to give a real glimpse of whether we are living in a simulation, the scientists contend, but even by looking at the tiny portion of the universe that we can currently accurately model, it may be possible to detect ‘signatures’ of constraints on physical processes that could point to a simulation.

Science, I love you so much.

2018-03-27T09:55:05+00:00August 30th, 2011|Tags: , , , , , |


James Hansen, head of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, was arrested yesterday as part of the ongoing protests against the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline.

That’s what I call putting your money where your scientific mouth is.

(via Discovery News)

James Hansen is a bad ass. I attended a lecture he gave at the Bell House a few years about his book Storms of my Grandchildren. He spoke with the kind of conviction and spirit that I have only seen a few other times from scientists. His book is full of good information, read it.

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