iMessage Discriminates

2014-05-14T17:12:22+00:00May 14th, 2014|Tags: , , , |

I recently switched from an iPhone to Android, and discovered shortly thereafter that my phone number was still associated with iMessage, meaning that any time someone with an iPhone tried texting me, I’d receive nothing, and they’d get a “Delivered” receipt in their Messages app as though everything were working as expected. (source)

I’d say at least once a week for quite a number of months now I’ve come into issues texting friends with iPhones. One of us will inevitably have issues with text messages, and resort to another form of chat. I had been blaming it on the carriers, and having too many messaging apps on my phone. (Seriously, 2014 instant messaging is about as bad as 1998) Here’s hoping apple fixes this soon.