Sound creative advice

2018-04-19T02:48:57+00:00December 11th, 2015|Tags: , , , , , |

There are people who walk on eggshells out of fear, but there is a second type of person who literally distributes eggshells for other people to walk on. Try to imagine how I feel about this second person, who is the negative space around which the exploratory, human work of creativity is allowed to take place.

This is what I would tell you, and you can take this advice or not take it. Its truth is not dependent on your willingness to believe it, so your reaction isn’t super relevant.  But goes like this: you will be an observer – that is to say, not a creator – forever, until the day you find a way to stop using creative people as a proxy for your own stunted drives. You can emerge from this cocoon you’ve made, or you can die »

Being Open

2013-08-02T22:39:33+00:00August 2nd, 2013|Tags: , |

I’m going to shift into an even more pretentious-sounding gear here, but I think of creative acts as having a source somewhere outside our minds, and I think that what we call “making something" is actually us being “open to something that made itself.“  Please forgive me, anyone reading this, I’m just being honest about how I feel.  Anyway, the act of “being open” to these things it’s our job to channel is the agonizing part.  You can open yourself to a single idea but as soon as you have one, your ego starts going “okay I’ll take it from here" and the channel closes.  Staying open beyond a certain point, keeping your ego from spasming, is like standing on one foot or sustaining a fake yawn for 8 hours.

Dan Harmon dropping some great knowledge on the act of creativity.

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