Bitcoin is going to change the world more than the internet did

2024-04-12T19:39:47+00:00August 29th, 2014|Tags: , , , |

Think of the cellphone. There were never more than 1.2 billion landlines. Then the cellphone came and we’re at 6.3 billion. Why? It’s not because only those people wanted to communicate. The landlines were all post-pay. You need to have credit to get one. The cell phones were pre-paid. Suddenly you could get one with cash. It had nothing to do with technology. It was an economic restriction. Now there are 1.5 billion bank accounts, same threshold as land lines. I think bitcoin will allow us to see 6.3 billion people banking on their cell phones. That’s what’s so exciting to me. That’s a much better world than we have today.

It’s easy to see bitcoin as a fluke, but these numbers demonstrate why it’s such a powerful idea. Regardless of what happens with mobile technology, when digital currency is figured »